Learning about the nutritional science behind metabolism and our blood sugar hormones changed my life. Understanding how our bodies actually metabolically processed food, I was able to make more informed choices and heal myself.
I recently appeared on Virginia This Morning segment talking all about healthier holiday swaps to make you feel a bit more balanced this season.
When the concept for this book came to life, I knew that I wanted to marry the world of nutrition and taste. Creating plant-based baked goods has been a passion of mine for a while because I firmly believe the two can co-exist. Through these recipes, I hope you can savor your sweets knowing that the upgraded ingredients are actually benefitting you as well!
Oh, how many years I wasted striving for perfection! Gosh, typing that sentence is pretty much on par with "how many years I wasted hunting unicorns." It just doesn't exist.
As women, we spend an (exhausting) number of years fighting our physical body. I actually remember telling my mother at the age of 7 that I wanted to go on a diet (another story for a different day). Not only do we see our body as something separate, but an aspect of ourselves to pick apart, criticize, and correct.
When it comes to achieving health goals, many are focused on the actions it will take to get results: go to the gym, eat nutritious food, drink 8 oz of water, get 8 hours of sleep, manage stress. If it was that simple, don't you think there would be happier humans walking around?
The ultimate change you can make however, is when you eat those foods provided by nature - those with only one ingredient - labels become a moot point.
As a health coach, I’ve worked with many women who want to lose weight. A common thread is their frustration with the weight loss process in general. They might lose a little weight here and there, but nothing seems to stick. They often feel defeated, discouraged, stressed, and anxious.
Yet if you were to take the phrase itself, then this implies food is something to find freedom from. I don't know about you, but I eat about three times per day, and that isn't changing any time soon.
We have all been there, and how you respond the following day can either heal your hangover or add fuel to the fire. Know that there is so much more to it than dehydration; it plays a part for sure, but let's not forget about the mineral depletion and inflammation as well.
So many people are walking around in a state of blood sugar imbalance and insulin resistance. I believe that certain societal conditions got us here (hello food pyramid from the 90s with a base of 8-11 servings of whole grains), and information clarifying the way our bodies really metabolize food can get us out.
When you think of addiction, what comes to mind? Alcohol? Cocaine? Heroin? All three would be considered addictive substances, but what if I was to tell you they have a lot in common with sugar and wheat?
While I believe there has been a major shift away from calorie counting in recent years, I still hear it all of the time from my clients, so I know it still exists. Hint: your body does not count calories nor points, and neither should you.
I have made it a part of my mission to help women break free from food anxiety, dieting, and calorie counting. To truly do this, one must understand what happens inside our bodies when we metabolize food.
If you are someone who struggles with overconsumption of food at night, or what feels like an uncontrollable sweet tooth before bed, it likely has nothing to do with willpower.
Eating should be thought of as a hormonal experience. This has implications not only for what you eat, but also how you eat. The same can be said for when you are eating out at a restaurant.
I have a good friend who has often been criticized for not eating breakfast. I am sure she has heard "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" too many times to count. But is it really?
Healthy fats - as found in bulletproof coffee - will negate the sudden spike in cortisol, causing blood sugar levels to remain at bay. Coconut oil (or ideally brain octane oil - a more potent coconut oil) is so good for brain health and will leave you feeling clear and energized.
Fructose (the sugar found specifically in fruit) is metabolized differently than other sugars. Whereas glucose (sugar in its simplest form) is digested, absorbed and transported to the liver to be released into the blood stream (after which our cells and muscle tissue use it for energy), only our liver cells can break down fructose, increasing the likelihood that the sugar will be converted to triglycerides
Bottom line is that every day is different, therefore, your fuel requirements each day will be different. When you overly structure your eating, it means you have lost the moment-to-moment, day-to-day awareness of tuning in and listening to what your body needs.
First of all, you can't separate the way you feel mentally from the food that you eat. But I don't believe nutrition tells the whole story. I'm evidence that you can eat the right things, move your body every day, get 7-8 hours of high-quality sleep and still struggle with anxiety.
Are you familiar with "hanger?" That level of hunger that can be best described as a blood sugar drop that leaves you feeling weak, shaky, and irritable? And what if I was to tell you we aren't supposed to feel that way?
On May 1st, I will be launching my online course, Counting Colors! I couldn't be more excited to share this information, and it will be dedicated to helping you achieve an increased sense of holistic health.
People want structure so badly. It's easy, and our egos love easy. They also love instant gratification, but that's another story for a different day. What works for someone else might not work for you. As soon as you look to an outside source, you have lost that connection to you, your body, and inner alignment.
This got me thinking about mindfulness as it pertains to making choices. I had once heard that before each choice, there is always a pause, and if you allow yourself to sit in that moment, it helps with self-awareness and realizing the option that would serve you best in the longer term.
First of all, I want to say that everyone deserves to feel good and confident physically, mentally, and emotionally. I believe that is our right as a human being. It is why I am a health coach.